Thursday 10 December 2015

About Me

Hi my name is Vionna Saibun and I'm an aspiring author. I've always had a love of reading books and  after having a sort of book that I wanted to read in mind and feeling disappointed that I couldn't find that particular type of book ; I decided, "Hey why not write my own one?"

Let's just say that writing a book isn't easy, but always at the end it's worth it because all my pent up imagination is in writing and ready to give out to all you people. I love reading romance and adventure books and I'm a sucker of cliche werewolf books.

I'm in the process of publishing my first ebook and I can't wait for what the future has in store for me.

The Girl and the White Elephant (Coming Out Soon)

The Girl and the White Elephant (Coming Out Soon)

The Girl and the White Elephant is in stages of publishing and will be available soon in Ebook in iBooks, Amazon,  Lulu and Nook.


 Nicole is a model working in Africa on a business trip. During her stay, Nicole visits the local African market. Where she stumbles into the wrong part the market and finds a baby, white elephant being locked away in the cage.

Join Nicole in a quick and humorous adventure as Nicole attempts to save and free the baby white elephant.